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One of the recent year discoveries, found in spring, 2010 (by Kaspars Beriņš, stock-taker, during the Culture Heritage Project organized by the State Forest Service). It is a 2.4 m long and 1.2 m wide granite stone. In ancient times on the stone surface two distinct and, compared to other cup-marked stones, very deep cup-marks had been made. The biggest of them is 5.5 cm deep and it is among the most impressive ones in Latvia. Deeper cup-marks can be seen only in the Daviņi Big Stone in the Bērzaine Parish. Such cup-marks are typical for the cult stones common in Northern Europe. It is considered that in the second half of the 1st millennium BC the death and fertility cult rites took place at these stones. According to other versions the cup-marks were used for placing sacrifices there, astronomical observations, the stone was used as a kind of a musical instrument as well as in the process of powder acquisition for healing. The stone is very significant and lies in its historic place. It is recommended that the stone should be included the heritage list of the State Inspection for Heritage Protection. (North Vidzeme Geopark (Ziemeļvidzemes ģeoparks), 2010–2011, ER). Other sites nearby: the Jaunutēni Devil’s Stone.
It is believed that in the second half of the 1st millennium BC death and fertility rites took place at these stones. Other versions state that the cup-marks were used for placing sacrifices in them, for astronomical observations or that the stone was used as a kind of a musical instrument or for the acquisition of a power used for healing. (www.geoparks.lv)