Extra materials:
Contains information from the project:

One of the cup-marked stones of Northern Vidzeme. On the surface of the stone there are 32 spherical cup-marks. Their depth is from 0.2 to 1.1 cm, diameter — from 3.5 to 7 cm. Dimensions: 0.70 m high, 2.10 m long, 2.10 m wide, circumference of 6.70 m. On a stone side there are two rather large hollows. On the north-west side there is a gradually sloping coving, probably, of natural origin. The volume above the ground is about 60 %. It was discovered by Ansis Opmanis in May of 2002. The cup-marks are not very explicit if compared to other stones of this type in Latvia. (North Vidzeme Geopark, 2010–2011) Other nearby objects: Mazsalaca Saint Anna’s Church, Mazsalaca, Skaņākalns Nature Park.
No recorded folklore materials have been found. The local people cannot tell anything about the site.