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The hill is overgrown with underbrush forest, but the meadows around it have been overrun by heraclium plants. On the wide hill there is nothing proving the existence of an ancient cult site. The hill’s surface has not been significantly transformed. There is news that on top of the hill there used to be a forest fire lookout tower that is no more there nowadays.
According to narrations by local people, the hill used to be called the Idols’ Hill. If it is so, then the hill could be an ancient cult site like those known in many parts of Kurzeme. Though usually such cult hills are usually located next to hill forts, but there is no hill fort known. It is possible that the Idol’s Hill itself could be a temporary shelter place (pilene). The site has not been archaeologically examined, only the name is known.
Difficult to access.There are no information signs. From the Daniņi homestead one has to walk through the woods about 500 meters. Watch out — in the surroundings there are large groves of heraclium plants!