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The hillock is often deemed a castle mound and is referred as this also in the Brukna Manor, but in fact it is not. The hill is without a plateau; there is no finishing or occupation layer. Diameter of the top of the hill is 28 m, height – 3 m. There are few birch-trees on its sides. A nice view to the manor.
The hillock is supposed to have been refuge place in a marsh and there are many stories devoted to it. According to one of the stories the devil had poured sand out of his hat in this place. The Viksne Hillock and Witch Hillock are also mentioned in the stories. Probably, an ancient cult site.
The hillock is well seen out of the windows and standing in from of the manor. Brukna manor is managed by a clergyman, who does not want to recognize the object as a Witch Hill (due to religious beliefs).